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AviationDM Aviation Digital Marketing
AMS Decision Engineer Time, Attendance and Geolocation
AMS Experience Task Recording enables aircraft engineers to record their work experience. Maintenance type, license category, job card reference, type of task and activity completed, ATA code, date and duration to complete the task are recorded using pre-populated fields in less than a minute. Information is transmitted to the engineer’s supervisor ...
AMS Decision AMS Training is a solution for MTO/Part 147 to reduce administrative & operational cost while improving student overall practical course experience.
AMS Training replaces paper with digital type rating practical courses. AMS Training assignppractical tasks to students through itsmmobile application and monitor heir progress in real time. Assessors can evaluate students while completing their task
Avhome The Aviation Sales & Search Directory
AMS Decision AMS Community is a unique solution that enables Aircraft Engineers to document their experience in real time generate professional reports in one click, ease license/authorisation application & renewal, set alerts, store all their data securely in the cloud and comply with EASA & FAA as well as other regulations.
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